$3.00 plus shipping

Originally created to be a part of Around the Year, the mini Brewster Chest is now available as a separate kit item as it is being produced separately to be sold at the Plimoth Plantation Gift and Bookstore.
The chest is a near replica of the one that William and Mary Brewster brought with them on the Mayflower's first voyage to America. It is easy to assemble and is made to unfold for easy storage when not in use. It comes with instructions on how to assemble it as well as suggestions for learning activities.
There are photos of 8 items related to the Pilgrims that are stored in the chest and can be used as for a game or other learning spring boards.It's about 3½" long, by 2 3/8" tall and 1¼" deep.
This is a great and intriguing way for parents and/or teachers to share interesting information about the Pilgrims with their children and students.
The kit sells for $3.00 plus shipping and handling.
If you are ordering more than one item, contact seller so shipping costs can be calculated to your benefit. The Advent Calendar always ships separately due to its weight. You may add 1-3 Noah's Arks or Mini Brewster Chests to the Advent Calendar for the cost of these items alone, that is no extra shipping. All other items can be combined to help reduced shipping weight. Some one will get back to you as soon as possible and send you a Pay Pal invoice so your order can be processed.